Did you know that for each year of age, a child’s attention span is only 3-5 minutes? Give a family you love the gift of hundreds of educational, inclusive-focused toys, games and other play experiences that will grow with their little ones from <6 months to 6+ years, without the constraint on their space or the broader environment!
When you gift or donate a membership to The Toyary, you’re helping a family:
- Save money: Comparing the cost of a monthly and annual membership, we feel strongly that The Toyary offers a more affordable path to using/consuming and aging with toys, games and other play experiences, particularly over the course a child’s lifetime of play.
- Save the environment: Children grow through toys so quickly with many failing to find another home. While the toy manufacturing landscape is changing, the majority of toys (especially more affordable ones) are still made largely of non-recyclable plastic. In addition to saving money, toy libraries like ours help fundamentally support reuse.
- Save some sanity: While no one can prepare you for how much love you will have for your child(ren), we could probably say the same for the levels of complexity that come with raising a toddler (or two, or more…)! Add New England weather and The Time of Covid-19 to the mix and let us help bring on some new
distractionsplay experiences for you! - Save space: Little ones might be “little” but the same doesn’t necessarily hold true for the amount of space they require! Toys don’t need to be part of that equation. Our members value the opportunity to outsource and rotate their toy collection, and save all that extra space for a less cluttered home.
*Note, if you experience any difficulties submitting your gift certificate below due to personal settings or browsers, please gift your membership HERE directly within our membership portal.*